
Choosing a career path is important and it’s not always easy. Choosing the right degree for your field of study is also important. Sometimes you need to know more about a particular degree, understand how much it costs, and how long it takes to complete it in order to make an informed decision.

That’s why we’ve put together our list of the most popular degrees so you can understand each opportunity a little better.

Below you’ll find a list of vocational schools and programs with good career outlooks and information that will help you get started.

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  • Trinity Law School , Online

    Location - Santa Ana, CA, US 92705

     At its core, our community is shaped by our commitment to the Gospel – the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We exist to serve Christ by championing a biblical view of human law and gove... Read More

    Master of Legal Studies
  • The College of Health Care Professions , Online

    Location - Houston, TX, US 77092

    The College of Health Care Professions is a Texas-based career education school founded by physicians in the Texas Medical Center solely specializing in healthcare education and dedicated to provid... Read More

    Coding and Revenue Cycle Management - AAS Degree
    Health Care Management - AAS Degree
  • UEI College , Online

    Location - West Covina, CA, US 91791

    At UEI College, we want you to succeed. We’re like a family and we want you to be a part of it. From the moment you enter our school, to graduation and beyond, we are right by your side. Our miss... Read More

    Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technician (11-Month diploma program)
    Medical Assistant (10-Month Diploma Program)
    Dental Assistant (10-Month Diploma Program)
    Automotive Technician (11-Month Diploma Program)
    Electrical Technician
    Medical Billing and Insurance Coding (10-Month Diploma Program)
  • Wichita Technical Institute , Online

    Location - Wichita, KS, US 67213

    We've been producing top graduates for more than 50 years! WTI's success and longevity is due to its commitment in providing its students with the latest information and technology. It do... Read More

    Pharmacy Technician
    Medical Insurance Billing and Coding Specialist
    Electronic Systems Technology
    Computer Technology and Network Administration
    Medical Assistant
    Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
  • Arizona College , Online

    Location - Mesa, AZ, US 85021

    Why Arizona College?We prepare students for a stable, rewarding, and long-term career in healthcare. We’ve built healthcare education programs that combine classroom teaching, online learning, and r... Read More

    Pharmacy Technician
    Medical Billing and Coding
    Medical Assistant with Phlebotomy
    Health Care Administration
    Dental Assistant
  • Platt College Los Angeles , Online

    Location - Alhambra, CA, US 91803

    Since our opening in 1985, Platt College Los Angeles, LLC has been dedicated to the principle that education is the foundation for personal and professional growth, and that students should have the o... Read More

    Respiratory Therapy AS
    Medical Administrative Specialist
    Medical Assisting
    Medical Administrative Specialist (hybrid)
  • US Academy , Online

    Location - West Palm Beach, FL, US 33417

    U.S. Academy is dedicated to providing an environment where you can learn new skills to help you reach your career goals. You'll receive hands-on training from industry-experience instructors, and one... Read More

    Clinical Medical Assistant
    Certified Phlebotomy Technician I (CPT)
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